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Christmas wreath workshops Eastbourne - Buds That Bloom Florist Eastbourne, Bouquets, Wedding & Funeral

Florist Buds That Bloom
01323 332102  / 07958 189476
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Christmas wreath workshops Eastbourne

Christmas Workshops

Well can you believe it!
It’s time to book your place on one of our fabulous Christmas workshops, which is great to do
with friends to get you into the festive spirit.
Christmas Wreath Workshops are £45 per person and are taking place on :-
Friday 29th November @ 7pm -SOLD OUT
Saturday 30th November @ 2pm - SOLD OUT
Monday 2nd December @ 7pm - SOLD OUT
Tuesday 3rd December @ 7pm - SOLD OUT
Thursday 5th December @ 7pm - SOLD OUT
Saturday 7th December @ 2pm - SOLD OUT
Thursday 12th December @ 7pm -  SOLD OUT

We will supply everything you need to create a stunning Christmas door wreath.
You will be shown step by step instructions on what to do and I will also be on hand to help if need be!
To book your place either email info@budsthatbloom.co.uk, call me on 07958189476 or book online below.

All being held at :-
Buds That Bloom
55 Parkway
BN20 9DY

Wishing all our customers past and present a very Merry Christmas and thank you for your continued support.

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